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中華民國87年1月21日總統華總義字第8700010350號令制定公布,Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China Promulgated on January 21,1998

第 16 條中華民國之國防、警察或其他機關,對在專屬經濟海域或大陸礁層之人或物,認為有違反中華民國相關法令之虞時,得進行緊追、登臨、檢查;必要時,得強制驅離、或逮捕其人員,或扣留其船舶、航空器、設備、物品等,並提起司法程序。
Article 16 Where the authorities of national defense, police, customs or other authorized agencies of the Republic of China consider that a person or an object, which is in its exclusive economic zone or on its continental shelf, is engaged in any activity violating laws and regulations of the Republic of China, such authorities may engage in hot pursuit, boarding, and inspection. When necessary, the aforementioned authorities may expel or arrest the suspected person, or detain the vessels, aircraft, equipment, or other articles belonging to the suspected person, and institute legal proceedings.

第 17 條不遵守法令之規定,在中華民國專屬經濟海域或大陸礁層傾倒、排洩或處置廢棄物或其他物質者,處十年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新臺幣一億元以下罰金。
Article 17 Whoever dumps, discharges or disposes of waste or other substances in the exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf without complying with laws and regulations of the Republic of China shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding ten years, or detention in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine of not exceeding one hundred million New Taiwan Dollars.

第 18 條在中華民國專屬經濟海域或大陸礁層,故意損害天然資源或破壞自然生態者,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新臺幣五千萬元以下罰金。
Article 18 Whoever willfully damages or harms the natural resources or ecology of the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf of the Republic of China shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years or detention in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine of not exceeding fifty million New Taiwan Dollars.

第 19 條未經許可,在中華民國專屬經濟海域或大陸礁層從事人工島嶼設施或結構之建造、使用、改變或拆除者,處新臺幣一千萬元以上五千萬元以下罰鍰,並得沒入建造之人工島嶼、設施或結構,或令其回復原狀。
Article 19 Whoever undertakes construction, use, modification, or the dismantling of artificial islands, installations or structures in the exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf of the Republic of China without obtaining a permission from the Government of the Republic of China shall be punished with a fine of between ten million and fifty million New Taiwan Dollars. The court may confiscate the constructed artificial islands, installations or structures or order the said person to restore the environment to the original condition.
Whoever violates terms or objects of the granted permission shall be punished with a fine of between five million and twenty million New Taiwan Dollars and shall be set a time limit to remedy. Without improvement until then, the permission shall be cancelled and the artificial islands, installations or structures may be dismantled.

第 20 條未經許可,有下列情形之一者,處新臺幣一百萬元以上五百萬元以下罰鍰,並得沒入船舶、設備及採︵捕、撈︶獲物:
Article 20 Whoever conducts any one of the following activities without obtaining a permission from the Government of the Republic of China shall be punished with a fine of between one million and five million New Taiwan Dollars and the vessels, equipment, and catches belonging to the said person may be confiscated:
1. Conducting exploration, exploitation, management, or conservation of living or non-living resources in the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of China;
2. Conducting exploration, exploitation, management, or conservation of non-living resources or sedentary living resources on the continental shelf of the Republic of China.
Whoever violates the terms or objects of any permission granted shall be punished with a fine of between two hundred thousand and two million New Taiwan Dollars. Products (catch or haul) may be confiscated.

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