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Improvement of the agricultural waterway facilities and enhancement of the quality of agricultural p

To meet the practical needs in the early age, irrigation improvements for the re-divided agricultural zones had been conducted since 1958. At that time, however, the farm roads were only about 2.5 to 3 meters wide without gravel grading pavements. Moreover, most irrigation waterways and drainages did not have interior surfaces or protection facilities. After about sixty years, most of them are now in disrepair and are not convenient to the movement of agricultural machinery and vehicles.

Accordingly, the government started to push forward an agricultural waterway improvement project in 1988, including widening the farm roads up to 4 meters, adding pebbles pavements, and the adoption of concrete U ditches for the waterways. Within the period of the past five years, the yearly-averaged pace of completion is 16 districts and an advancement rate of about 40 kilometers per year. To satisfy the demands of modern managements and promote the local agricultural production environments, the outcome in 924 districts, involving more than ninety thousand hectares of farm areas and 3,904 kilometers of waterways, had been completed in the project by the end of 2022.
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