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中華民國領海及鄰接區法 》符合條件的條文共有 18 筆



中華民國87年1月21日總統華總義字第8700010340號令制定公布,Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China

第 1 條為維護中華民國領海之主權及鄰接區權利,特制定本法。
Article 1 This law is enacted to preserve the sovereignty over the territorial sea and the rights over the contiguous zone of the Republic of China.
Matters not covered by this law shall be governed by the provisions of other related laws.

第 2 條中華民國主權及於領海、領海之上空、海床及其底土。
Article 2 The sovereignty of the Republic of China extends to its territorial sea, the air space over its territorial sea, its seabed and its subsoil.

第 3 條中華民國領海為自基線起至其外側十二浬間之海域。
Article 3 The territorial sea of the Republic of China shall be the sea area between the baseline and the outer limits measuring outwardly twelve nautical miles from the baseline.

第 4 條中華民國領海基線之劃定,採用以直線基線為原則,正常基線為例外之混合基線法。
Article 4 The delimitation of the baseline of the territorial sea of the Republic of China shall be determined by a combination of straight baseline in principle and normal baseline as exception.

第 5 條中華民國領海之基線及領海外界線,由行政院訂定,並得分批公告之。
Article 5 The baseline and the outer limits of the territorial sea of the Republic of China shall be decided by the Executive Yuan and may be promulgated in parts.

第 6 條中華民國領海與相鄰或相向國家間之領海重疊時,以等距中線為其分界線。但有協議者,從其協議。前項等距中線,係指該線上各點至中華民國基線上最近點與相鄰或相向國家基線上最近點距離相等之線。
Article 6 In the event that the territorial sea of the Republic of China overlap with the territorial sea of adjacent or opposite countries, the delimitation shall be the equidistant median line. Where there is an agreement, such agreement shall govern.
The equidistant median line prescribed in the preceding paragraph is a line on which every point is equidistant from the nearest points on the baseline of the Republic of China and the adjacent or opposite countries.

第 7 條外國民用船舶在不損害中華民國之和平、良好秩序與安全,並基於互惠原則下,得以連續不停迅速進行且符合本法及其他國際法規則之方式無害通過中華民國領海。
Article 7 Foreign civil vessels may, under the reciprocity principle, enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea of the Republic of China as long as the passage is not prejudicial to the peace, good order and security of the Republic of China. Passage shall be continuous and expeditious and be in accordance with this law and other international regulations.
An innocent continuous and expeditious passage, complying with this law and other international regulations as prescribed in the preceding paragraph may include stopping and anchoring under necessity, provided the same are incidental to ordinary navigation or are rendered necessary by force majeure or distress or for the purpose of rendering assistance to persons, vessels or aircraft in danger or distress.
Foreign military or government vessels shall give prior notice to the authorities concerned before their passage through the territorial sea of the Republic of China.
While passing through the territorial sea of the Republic of China, foreign submarines and other underwater vessels are required to navigate on the surface and to display their flags.
Regulations governing innocent passage of foreign vessels shall be decided by the Executive Yuan.
Vessels of the Chinese mainland passing through the territorial sea of the Republic of China shall conform to the provisions of this law and that of the Statute Governing the Relations between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.

第 8 條外國船舶通過中華民國領海,有下列情形之一者,非屬無害通過:
Article 8 A foreign vessel is not innocent in its passage through the territorial sea of the Republic of China if it engages in any one of the following activities:
1. Any threat or use of force against the sovereignty or territorial integrity of the Republic of China;
2. Any exercise or practice with any kind weapons;
3. Any act aimed at collecting information to the prejudice of the defense or security of the Republic of China;
4. Any act of propaganda aimed at affecting the defense or security of the Republic of China;
5. The launching or landing of any aircraft or taking on board of any navigation equipment;
6. The launching, landing or taking on board of any military device;
7. The loading or unloading of any commodity, currency or person contrary to the customs, fiscal, trade, inspection, immigration, sanitary or environmental protection laws and regulations of the Republic of China;
8. Any act of serious pollution;
9. Any activity concerning catching living beings;
10. The activity of research or survey;
11. Any act aimed at interfering with any systems of communication or any other facilities or installations of the Republic of China; and
12. Any other activity not having a direct bearing on innocent passage.

第 9 條外國核動力船舶、載運核物質或其他有害物質之船舶,欲通過中華民國領海時,須持有依國際協定認可之證書,並經中華民國政府許可與監管;其許可與監管辦法,由行政院定之。
Article 9 Foreign nuclear-powered vessels and vessels carrying nuclear or other inherently dangerous or noxious substances shall, when exercising the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea of the Republic of China, carry documents authorized in accordance with international agreements and such vessels shall be permitted and monitored by the Government of the Republic of China. The Executive Yuan shall decide the permission and monitoring regulations.

第 10 條中華民國政府基於國家利益或安全,得暫停外國船舶在領海特定海域內無害通過。
Article 10 For protecting national security and national interests, the Government of the Republic of China may suspend temporarily in specified areas of its territorial sea the innocent passage of foreign vessels.
The Executive Yuan shall promulgate the specified areas and the duration of suspension of innocent passages as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

第 11 條中華民國政府得對下列各項或任何一項制定關於領海無害通過的法令:
Article 11 The Government of the Republic of China may adopt laws and regulations relating to innocent passage through its territorial sea, in respect of all or any of the followings:
1. The maintenance of navigation safety and the regulation of maritime traffic;
2. The protection of navigational aids and facilities and other installations or facilities;
3. The protection of cables and pipelines;
4. The conservation of living marine resources;
5. The prevention and punishment of infringement of the fisheries laws and regulations of the Republic of China;
6. The preservation of the environment of the Republic of China and the prevention, reduction and control of any possible pollution thereof;
7. The prevention and punishment of any marine scientific research and hydrographic surveys undertaken without prior permission;
8. The prevention and punishment of infringement of the customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitation laws and regulations of the Republic of China; and
9. The prevention and punishment of other activities without direct bearing on innocent passage.
The laws and regulations relating to innocent passage in the territorial sea prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be duly promulgated by the Executive Yuan.

第 12 條中華民國政府基於航行安全、預防海上與海底設施或海洋資源受到破壞或預防海洋環境受到污染,得要求無害通過之外國船舶遵守一定之海道或分道通航制。
Article 12 The Government of the Republic of China may, for the purposes of protecting the safety of navigation, prevention of destroying on-the-sea and under-the-sea installations or marine resources as well as the prevention of marine environment pollution, require the foreign vessels exercising the right of innocent passage through its territorial sea to observe designated sea lanes or traffic separation schemes.
The designated sea lanes or traffic separation schemes prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be established and duly promulgated by the Executive Yuan.

第 13 條在用於國際航行的台灣海峽非領海海域部份,中華民國政府可就下列各項或任何一項,制定關於管理外國船舶和航空器過境通行之法令:
Article 13 In the part of the Taiwan Straits not part of the territorial sea of the Republic of China used for international navigation, the Government of the Republic of China may enact laws and regulations relating to transit passage of foreign vessels and aircraft, in respect of all or any of the followings:
1. The maintenance of navigation safety and the regulation of maritime traffic;
2. The prevention, reduction and control of pollution of the environment;
3. The prohibition of fishing;
4. The prevention and punishment of loading or unloading of any commodity, currency or person in contravention of the customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations of the Republic of China.
The laws and regulations relating to transit passage prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be duly promulgated by the Executive Yuan.

第 14 條中華民國鄰接區為鄰接其領海外側至距離基線二十四浬間之海域;其外界線由行政院訂定,並得分批公告之。
Article 14 The contiguous zone of the Republic of China is the sea area contiguous to the outer limits of its territorial sea and to a distance of twenty-four nautical miles measured from the baseline. The outer limits of the contiguous zone shall be decided by the Executive Yuan and may be promulgated in parts.

第 15 條中華民國政府得在鄰接區內為下列目的制定法令:
Article 15 The Government of the Republic of China may enact laws and regulations in its contiguous zone for the following purposes:
1. To prevent infringement of customs, fiscal, trade, inspection, immigration, sanitation or environmental protection laws and regulations within territory and territorial sea, and unauthorized broadcasting; and
2. To punish infringement of customs, fiscal, trade, inspection, immigration, sanitation or environmental protection laws and regulations within The territory and territorial sea, and unauthorized broadcasting.
The Government of the Republic of China may enact laws and regulations to prevent and punish unauthorized broadcasting engaged on the high seas or other sea areas beyond its territorial sea and contiguous zone.
The laws and regulations prescribed in the aforementioned two paragraphs shall be promulgated by the Executive Yuan.

第 16 條於中華民國領海及鄰接區中進行考古、科學研究、或其他任何活動所發現之歷史文物或遺跡等,屬於中華民國所有,並得由中華民國政府依相關法令加以處置。
Article 16 All objects of a historical nature or relics found in the territorial sea and the contiguous zone of the Republic of China, while undertaking archaeological and scientific research, or other activities, shall belong to the Republic of China and be administered by the Government in accordance with related laws and regulations

第 17 條中華民國之國防、警察、海關或其他有關機關人員,對於在領海或鄰接區內之人或物,認為有違犯中華民國相關法令之虞者,得進行緊追、登臨、檢查;必要時,得予扣留、逮捕或留置。
Article 17 If the authorities of national defense, police, customs or other authorized agencies of the Republic of China consider that a person or an object which is in the territorial sea of the Republic of China or the contiguous zone is engaged in any activity violating laws and regulations of the Republic of China, such authorities may engage in hot pursuit, boarding, inspection, and when necessary, detaining, arresting, or putting in custody such persons or objects.
The authorities prescribed in the preceding paragraph may replace each other consecutively in undertaking hot pursuit, boarding, and inspection.

第 18 條本法自公布日施行。
Article 18  This law shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.
(In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.)

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