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► 108-10-03

Land statistics theme-Distribution of Agriculture Lands converting into other classification in 2018

Non-urban land has accounted for about 86% of the registered land in Taiwan, of which Agriculture Lands accounts for about 27% of non-urban land, with a total area of 819,571 hectares. People are allowed to build agricultural production and marketing facilities, animal husbandry facilities, and leisure agricultural facilities on Agriculture Lands, also they can convert Agriculture Lands into other land classifications for different use items. In 2018, the area of land classification convert was 1,486.44 hectares, of which the area converted into Forestry Lands was the most (73.08%), and mainly maintain low intensity land use. Followed by the area of converting land classification into Water Resources Conservancy Lands(6.48%), Lands for Special Objective Undertakings(6.45%)and Traffic Lands(4.75%), mostly used for public construction such as detention pond, highways and so forth. Besides, there are 5.5% of land area converting into all kinds of building lands, chiefly into Type D Building Lands that for industrial purpose.
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